Mapping Motivation and Engagement
Your Guide to Motivational Maps®
Motivational Maps are unique in that they directly help overcome the problems that individuals face in making good career development decisions and that managers and leaders face in improving motivation and performance of their teams.
What are Motivational Maps®?
Egyedülálló módon
- számszerű információkkal szolgál munkatársai motivátorairól, motivációs érzékenységéről és jelenlegi motivációs szintjéről
- konkrét javaslatokat tartalmaz arra, hogy vezetőként milyen körülményekkel, tevékenységekkel, hozzáállással lehet még jobban motiválni
kulcsot, vagy másképpen egy „kezelési útmutatót” ad ahhoz, hogy milyen motivációs eszközzel lehet v
Motivational Maps® are an ISO accredited self-perception inventory that:
Identifies what a person is motivated by; what a person wants and needs at work to drive high performance
Measures to what extent a person’s Motivators are currently being met
Provides practical, targeted reward strategies which, when applied, help to drive up motivation levels
Enables a person to set meaningful targets for their future motivation levels, have a realistic action plan and so maximise their motivation
Motivational Maps® are based on compelling and original research into motivation and performance – intellectual property which gives organisations using it real competitive advantage.
Mi is az a Motivational Maps®?
A Motivational Maps® egy ISO akkreditált, online elérhető, az önmagunkról alkotott képünk alapján készített lista, afféle leltár, mely a személyiségtípusok helyett kizárólag a motivációra koncentrál.
How to use Motivational Maps®
A questionnaire is completed online (takes 10 minutes) and the Motivational Map® is available immediately. Maps need to be administered by an accredited practitioner.
When to use Motivational Maps®
The Motivational Map® when used with individuals and teams have a number of applications and benefits. The data from individual Maps® is then brought together to produce Team Maps and Organisational Maps to help build on the strengths of everyone working together.
How are Motivational Maps® different to other tools?
Complementary – where a company has already invested in a psychometric such as MBTI or Insights Discovery, Motivational Maps® help deepen self-awareness and the tool is seen as a complementary rather than a ‘same as’ tool
Better – whereas many tools just provide an individual with information, Motivational Maps® collates data across the team, department and whole companies. This enables organisations to get intelligence on what drives its culture, employee engagement, values and more, so they can have more informed and relevant people strategies.
Memorable – the accessible language of Maps makes it memorable long after the initial feedback is given
Measurable – Motivational Maps® is the only tool on the market which measures motivation
Bottom up – Motivational Maps® helps put the employee in the driving seat, by asking.
Affordable – Maps are priced to make them scalable and so is very competitive. This enables organisations to roll out Maps® on a big scale cost effectively.
Easy to use – within ten minutes, people understand the language of Motivational Maps® and start to use it. 92% of people have confirmed Motivational Maps® are easy to use
Please contact
Földváry Beáta
Mobile: 06 30 552 17 34
Office phone: 06 (1) 4 880 885